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Happy 2004!
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"Every heartbeat there's your name, load and clear, take my claim" What/Who is this? line graphic
QuickQuote: You only live as long as the last person who remembers you.
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From the animated series

Tails shuts down the power station
Windows Media Format [522KB]
Windows AVI [4.76MB]
Sonic Adventure Tails Promo

Windows Media Format [379KB]
MPEG [2.60MB]
From the animated series

Tails asks the fake Sally for the funny kiss
Windows Media Format [358KB]
Windows AVI [2.29MB]
From the animated series

Sally proves that she's not the 'fake Sally' to Tails
Windows Media Format [644KB]
Windows AVI [3.10MB]
Intro to SonicAnime
Windows Media Format [421KB]
MPEG [5.10MB]

©2025 Jonathan Kay. Thank you for flying