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Happy 2004!
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"My lonliness is killing me, I must confess -- I still believe, remember with you i loose my mind, give me a sign..." What/Who is this? line graphic
QuickQuote: My rules apply only to other people, not myself.
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Here are a few of my desktop images from years gone by. More will be added as they are found in backups etc. I also will be adding others desktops with their permission.

Desktop Date and Time


Operating Sytem

Sunday, October 15th, 2000.  2:01:02 AM 1024 x 768 Windows 2000 Final
Tuesday, September 12, 2000.  4:14:41 PM 1024 x 768 Windows 2000 Final
Tuesday, May 9th, 2000.  9:40:23 PM 1024 x 768 Windows 2000 Final
Thursday, March 23, 2000.   5:03:23 PM

1024 x 768

Windows 2000 Final

Thursday, March 2, 2000.   5:33:33 PM

1024 x 768

Windows 2000 Beta Build 2195
Monday, January 3, 2000.   1:24:07 AM

1024 x 768

Windows 2000 Beta Build 2183
Saturday, November 13, 1999.   11:41:26 AM

1024 x 768

Windows 2000 Beta Build 2128
Thursday, September 9th, 1999.  11:58:16 PM 800 x 600 Windows Millennium Beta Build 4.90.2368
Thursday, September 9th, 1999.  11:00:00 PM 800 x 600 Windows Millennium Beta Build 4.90.2368

Thursday, September 9th, 1999.  11:00:47 PM

800 x 600

Windows Millennium Beta Build 4.90.2368

Thursday, August 12, 1999.  11:51:38 AM

800 x 600

Windows Millennium Beta Build 4.90.2348


Saturday, January 3, 1999.   4:09:54 PM

800 x 600

Windows 98 (SE?)

©2025 Jonathan Kay. Thank you for flying