Happy 2004!
"Everybody, Rock your body, Everybody, rock your body right"
QuickQuote: Give me ops!
This site looks best with
Jonathan Francis Sedore Kay
Sex: Male
Born: 23/09/82
Location: , ,
Nicknames: TReKiE, TReK, TReKSTeR
Grade: Graduated
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Game: Hearts
Favorite Drink: !!
Favorite Apps: for and with Tails skin
Hey, welcome to my little home on the web. I'd like to thank the following people for their feedback and contribution to this site, , , , , , , , , and which whom I enlisted to help me =). As well the following music artists for keeping me busy while working late @ night, , , , , , , , , , , , and .
I'd also like to thank my parents for buying this domain for me and for keeping their DNS server up at least most of the month.
Yours truly,
(Signature here)
Jonathan Kay
* No relation to the .