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QuickQuote: Words are only a trap if you try to substitute them for thinking.
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Tuesday, October 2nd, 2000
I went back to school today. Full day, but it's nice to get back into routine. As today was former Prime Minister Pierre E. Trudeau's funeral, I have added a small trudeau link to the sidebar which links to CBC.

Thursday, September 28th, 2000
Well, 1 wisdom tooth pulled out. Pain anyone?

Tuesday, September 26th, 2000
Today was my really really long day. 5 classes right after one another (and a class during lunch too). So needless to say I was working from 8:19 in the morning straight through till 1:45. Anyway, apparently while I was working today, the Bank of Montreal called to confirm some information. Mainly because I'd applied for a star trek mastercard. Well, when I came home and used their Application Status tool, I found that they had declined me. I'm not sure why, but when I tried applying at my own bank's site, it wouldn't even accept my application. I'll go have a visit with them tomorrow. No word from TD yet though.

Sunday, September 24nd, 2000
The new website is here!

Saturday, September 23rd, 2000
My 18th birthday. Didn't realize it would finally be here.

Friday, September 22nd, 2000
After having class all day long, I was able to enjoy myself by going to Del Dente for my birthday dinner (my birthday is tomorrow). I got a gold bracelet from my parents.

Thursday, September 21st, 2000
Greetings to the new school year =) Today was exciting, after enduring our first LOONNG TAP period, I moved to my next class Economics. Right when this class started however, a student walkout was about to begin. So while in class, one could hear cheers and such from the students outside. About 25 minutes into the period, the fire alarms went off and we all filed outside because someone had pulled the alarm. What a great day!

Monday, June 5th, 2000 -- 12:40 PM
There isn't that much time left before the end of school now. I think I'll miss my Grade 12 year -- it's certainly more memberable then Grade 11 ever was =P. Presentations, Presentations, Presentations. I'm sick of them. History, Notemaking, and English. More and more and more. I just have problems staying awake, especially if it's something I had little or no interest in. Oh well, I don't have much to say. Mark and his family will be here for dinner tonight, so i'll have to finish up my homework before they come.

Wednesday, May 31th, 2000 -- 10:55 AM
Nearly 2 hours after my history presentation. I thought it was good, most other people thought it was good, except for some snickering in the back of the class. As usual, my wonderful colorful overheads made a large spectacle. I also brought an old 8080 with a quick BASIC program "quiz" that some of the class decided to play in order to win 'microchips' (chocolate covered graham crackers -- yep they're great) =) I will c u all later.

Monday, May 29th, 2000 -- 12:45 PM
This will be a longer update =) I wrote a cool little program last night that uses approx. 100 @Home proxy servers to go to one specific URL. It would be a quick way to get unique hits to banners, counters, or anything else that required my usual 'stealth' hits technology (see Anyway, if you've noticed I've also removed the link effect on the new links on this page. It's way too time consuming to add them all, plus it'll give your CPU a break. Yesterday I also found a new web page from my ex-friend Scott. You can see it @ I'm sure he'd be happy with e-mail. On that note I also have his original pages stored somewhere and I'll work to bringing those online ASAP. Today I registered for Steve Balmer's address speech on where the Windows Platform is going in Toronto on July 13th (I think anyway.. it's the wednesday of that week anyway). If anyone wants to go with me (hint, hint), it's a free event and you get Comdex tickets just for going. A free T-Shirt would also be nice too (more hint, hint, hint).

Wednesday, May 24th, 2000 -- 10:05 PM
Yes. This is an update. Whew, lot's of work done lately. If you haven't see my english awards site, goto The site's been visited by people from the Toronto Star, Government of Canada and has been mentioned in the Kitchener Record. My upcoming school projects, my music assignment, and history and notemaking presentations will be soon coming up (next week). Needless to say I have work I have to do. I will see everyone tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 25th, 2000 -- 12:38 AM
UPDATE!! Yes an update. The short week was very boring and uneventful. FileExplorer is nearly ready and we'll see it shortly this week. Weekend was fun, had a good time with my cousins -- although one in particular was really REALLY bugging me. Anyway, I trust everyone had a good easter weekend. I will attempt to make more of an effort to update this week, providing it's interesting enough. Tootles.

Tuesday, April 18th, 2000 -- 8:13 PM
Hey hey hey, back again for this short week. It'll be nice to see my cousins on the weekend, hopefully we'll have some new stuff to show them =) Can't really say anything has been going on much -- also I need to head to the mall tomorrow or at least soon. Maybe Thursday perhaps, because I have something to check out @ HMV. Bye Bye till tomorrow.

Sunday, April 16th, 2000 -- 12:37 AM
Now I'm really behind. I guess it's just been a busy week. Looks like fileexplorer will be showing up soon. It'll be nice to show it off. Oh well, I'll try making regular updates again. I have a feeling IE6 will be appearing on the scene soon, especially with Netscape coming more ahead. Perhaps #ie6 will turn some visitors. We'll see. Almost Easter -- get your cadbury cream eggs before they're gone!

Tuesday, April 11th, 2000 -- 5:32 PM
Welp! I haven't had a chance to update in awhile. Few things to report anyway, I'm gonna put up my entire MP3 list (and directory structure) up to look at. You can see how disorganized I am that way. On Sunday I created a new site in under 2 hours. You can check it out at Jason 'just too' Quick. I'm also looking to get a new PC as well as a Nomad Jukebox. I'm going to start putting up the new Active site, FileExplorer. It should be ready by the 28th. Also, ip3000 hit my site yesterday and downloaded just about everything. I'm not sure exactly what they're up to, but I think their planning a massive database of media content. Can't wait to see the copyright lawsuits there. I also found a song I've been looking for the last little bit for, Sunshine by Rubber. More soon.

Saturday, April 8th, 2000 -- 12:10 PM
Didn't have time to update yesterday. Rio is still out of date, oh well. I think it'll be a busy weekend - we'll see. Monday is a shortened school day, so that'll be nice but I'm not 100% sure if I'll be using it. My free blockbuster video rental expires tomorrow, so, i'll have to rent something tonight if I plan on using it. Anyone have any suggestions? I've also totally run out of drive some on E:\ (main drive).

Thursday, April 6th, 2000 -- 10:51 PM
I woke up today with the worst headache in the world. More like a migrane -- anyway, I went to school anyway. At the end of first period I was ready to just die so I went home, and fell asleep. I slept all day and didn't end up waking up till two. Thanks to Global I no longer see Traders on Thursdays anymore so they're kinda dull. Cya tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 5th, 2000 -- 8:58 PM
Exact same time as yesterday, cool =). Today was another band for the battle of the bands, from what I heard it wasn't too great. However, ian gave me the URL for him band -- Holmes last night, so you might want to check that out @ their site. They don't have any mp3s up or anything, but the pictures are funny =) I've also corrected some typos and grammar mistakes throughout the site (thanks to my mom for pointing them out), and i'll be updating my rio page in a minute. Almost Friday, Almost Friday...

Tuesday, April 4th, 2000 -- 8:58 PM
Wow, the day's almost over. Got my homework done early today so it's been a pretty low-key evening. I also tried out the new Microsoft Windows Media Player 7. System Requirements say 166Mhz, 32MB and if you've read my technical specifications, you know how closely I meet this restriction. Anyway, try it out, but I don't think anyone would use it for anything beyond a showpiece. Supposedly it (well eventually) supports portable MP3 devices, Rio's, Nomad's, etc., but it didn't work. MP3 playback stunk and continually skipped-- just stick with Winamp. WMP has Skin support now however. Wonder where they got that idea from? Anyway, I think i'll do some work for John Darling now.

Monday, April 3rd, 2000 -- 4:59 PM
Well, back again for another week. Apparently there's a holiday for elementary students on Friday, so obviously I don't get to participate. I do get to come home earlier on Monday though. I'd add some new features to the site, but I've been pretty busy with other things -- i'll try later. Finally got out to John Darling Public School today where were going to be doing various things for them. Very nice school though, wish I had some of the technology that they have when I was a kid. More updates later.

Friday, March 31th, 2000 -- 11:09 PM
FRIDAY!!! YES!!! Next week proves to be much much more interesting. At least all is well in paradise=) Cya tomorrow.

Thursday, March 30th, 2000 -- 9:47 PM
Boring Day, but i wasn't expecting much else today. Oh well, Friday tomorrow, that'll be nice. Cable hasn't gone out today, at least not that I've noticed. Only thing I can complain about is that Traders isn't on tonight... I hope Global brings it back at some point. Anyway, almost Weekend -- finally!

Wednesday, March 29th, 2000 -- 8:01 PM
Trigonometric Identities are very annoying. Oh well, it's nice when you finally get the answer. Makes you feel like you've accomplished something -- although really unimportant =). I really think that Rogers should build some more towers in this city -- Although it's all digital and there's a signal, my StarTAC has gone to analogue when answering all my calls today. Finally, cable is out big time again today, be nice if they fixed it at some point...

Tuesday, March 28th, 2000 -- 5:06 PM
Why can't everyone just get along? Have you ever been in the middle of something and gotten just a little TOO involved? The next thing you know, your under fire yourself. Love to have a solution to that one. Anyway, I got to be Macbeth today, messed up a few words, but I think I was okay =). Oh yeah, I found out the name of that fantasy-like play, it was Alice in the Looking Glass. I knew I knew it from somewhere. At least I got 19/20 on music test today, oh well.. I'll update more later.

Monday, March 27th, 2000 -- 10:12 PM
Well, still haven't bothered with that Tails thing yet =) Today was rather interesting, firstly, during history we got to see this years Sears DramaFest(ival) teasers. The first one was some sort of fantasy-like play, and it was alright ('Best' Rating: 2/3). The second, was some sort of Fame like play, I really didn't understand what was going on. I couldn't hear them, and then for 3-4 minutes all they did was sit and stare at each other. I don't get that =) ('Best Rating: 1/3). The final one was one put together just last week. I only know because I was forced to create (well modify) an image for their T-Shirts. Oh well, at least I got involved. So anyway, in this one, they took the dancers of the school, gave them some lines. Only reason it was so good was due to the decent music playing, all the rest of them had really boring music =) ('Best Rating: 3/3).
Finally, my part in English class as Macbeth was cancelled, because the teacher was away. Oh well, i can wait =) I got to go home early though =) I think i'll try and leech one of the entire Dream Theater CDs tonight off napster =)

Saturday, March 25th, 2000 -- 1:06 PM
Finally got around to writing my first entry since the summer. I got the new N Sync album yesterday, "No Strings Attached". So far the songs that I really like are:
Track 01 - Bye Bye Bye
Track 07 - No Strings Attached
Track 08 - Digital Get Down
Track 09 - Bringin' Da Noise
The only part of the site that isn't totally completed is the Tails section, but I have other things to do today. I'll do it tomorrow.

©2025 Jonathan Kay. Thank you for flying