Tails is flying in front of the offical sonic airplane, with sonic flying the airplane
9/19/2003 - 2566 views
Comments (5)
From: 1 of many Tails fans Date:2/18/2006 | Thats from Sonic The Hedgehog 2 for Sega Genesis. (ending)
From: sarah Date:1/31/2008 | tails rocks!
hi tails
From: tails Date:6/8/2008 | Hi ant! 1 of many tails fans you rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From: tails Date:6/8/2008 | you'd never think i would be sonics sidekick when i'm that young!
Baby Tails is waving to his fans while sitting on a life preserver
9/19/2003 - 4368 views
Comments (11)
From: Jacob Date:11/24/2004 | Aww tails is so cute in this pic
From: tails no.1 fan Date:11/25/2004 | awww soooo cute
From: Hypo Prower Date:4/9/2005 | Where's his diaper? He's probably gonna pee all over his innertube.
From: Caleb Shipman Date:2/24/2006 | tails should have a baby brother named blade
From: Caleb Shipman Date:2/24/2006 | iactually i have a classic tails (Blade Prowler) give me your E-Mail and I'll send u a picture of him
From: SEGA INC. Date:2/27/2006 | work of genius(aka me) WHERE DID YOU GET MY PIC!!!!
From: Pichu Date:4/13/2006 | Aww! CUTE!!!!!
From: person Date:1/18/2007 | to the comment above this one. tails does not need a daiper retard
From: Kao kangaroo 10 Date:6/21/2007 | Awwwwwwww, he's sooooo CUTE!!!!!
From: super tails fan Date:6/8/2008 | person i love your comment. that is funny! You're right 12 year old foxes don't need diapers!!!!
From: sonicsuzy Date:5/30/2009 | He is soooo cute!!!!
Tails is looking down at himself in Sonic Adventure
9/19/2003 - 2221 views
Comments (5)
From: Ryan Date:10/9/2003 | Make note that a Chao drew the Tails on the ground because he absorbed learned how to draw from an animal (a skunk I believe). Anyways...
From: Daniel Date:3/10/2005 | awsome and cool
From: miles Date:3/14/2006 | ke ke ke ke ke
From: Shadow Date:7/19/2006 | Tails is a prower
that is in sonic dx
Tails is about to fall down!
9/19/2003 - 1389 views
Comments (2)
From: Aqua Date:6/21/2005 | Tails! I'll catch you!
From: tails fan Date:10/9/2006 | don't fall tails!
Tails is flying through the air while his fans can see his speeding tails as they generate flight
9/19/2003 - 1106 views
Comments (3)
From: Hypo Prower Date:4/9/2005 | This one is from Archie comics and it looks kinda crappy.
From: Foxy lover Date:1/18/2007 | It does not look crappy!! That much
From: tails Date:6/8/2008 | Don't you dare call me crappy! I already have enough problems with fiona!!!!!!!!!!! thanks foxy lover kinda
Tails flies through the air, as he tries to determine what's ahead of him
9/19/2003 - 1067 views
Comment (1)
From: sonicsuzy Date:5/30/2009 | Cute!
Tails is flying through the bright pink sky with his hands held out
9/19/2003 - 1463 views
Comments (2)
From: miles Date:3/14/2006 | weee!
From: tails Date:10/1/2006 | tails is so cute!
Tails is holding a gold ring with a bright yellow sky behind him
9/19/2003 - 1172 views
Comments (0)
These are the official Tails key chains from Sega
9/19/2003 - 1173 views
Comments (2)
From: Hypo Prower Date:4/9/2005 | ;) I wish I had that.
The rendered mecha-Tails is looking to his left
9/19/2003 - 1149 views
Comments (0)
The rendered Mecha-Tails is mad and ready to take on evil
9/19/2003 - 3146 views
Comments (3)
From: Red fox Date:10/23/2004 | Somebody better watch out as they've p****d him off!!
From: 1 of many Tails fans Date:2/18/2006 | Take cover!!!
From: Krystal Prower Date:11/18/2006 | oh !@#$, some guy is in big trouble if he doesnt say sorry to him...FACE HIS ANGER!!!!!!!!!!!
These are drawings of Tails, one with him flying and looking to see what's ahead, the other with him
9/19/2003 - 1643 views
Comment (1)
From: Hypo Prower Date:4/9/2005 | Ditto.
Tails is in 4 poses, jumping, hiding, curled up into a ball (for spinball action), and lying down
9/19/2003 - 2200 views
Comments (3)
From: Hypo Prower Date:4/9/2005 | Awesomly awesome!
From: nolan Date:5/16/2005 | Actually its spindash....oh well.
nice pic =)
From: Turbo Tails 8027 Date:11/7/2008 | That lying down one looks hurt... ooh dear. Tails is awesome though yay
Tails from Sonic Adventure, flying into action
9/19/2003 - 1351 views
Comments (0)
The official Tails figurine made for the Sonic Adventure launch
9/19/2003 - 1232 views
Comments (4)
From: XFox Prower Date:9/30/2003 | I always wanted this one. I only have the smaller Tails figure.
From: jim Date:11/25/2005 | man i gotta hav 1. gimmy one who ever you are. >:D
From: Cosmo Date:10/21/2006 | must have!!!must have!!!
All 6 Sonic Adventure plastic characters, from Sonic to Big
9/19/2003 - 2283 views
Comments (3)
From: Ryan Date:10/9/2003 | Big's just a fatarse cat that fished all day. Seen any of Sonic X? Good stuff. Like the Japanese version better. ^_^
From: tailsluver Date:7/7/2005 | the huge(big)cat
From: bilal Date:8/3/2006 | this is the coolest thing on the internet
Plushable Tails in a Karate outfit with a Yellow Belt
9/19/2003 - 1546 views
Comments (3)
From: Ryan Date:10/9/2003 | Tails: "You must defeat my Tails Punch to have a chance to survive."
From: red fox Date:12/26/2005 | lol i challenge you to a duel to the death with my ninja tails XD
From: Krystal Prower Date:11/18/2006 | gimmey the email address to the website you can buy him at, i want one like that!!!
The original and best
9/19/2003 - 1301 views
Comments (5)
From: Erica Primmer Date:10/24/2004 | awwwwwww! it's so cute i want it!
From: Hypo Prower Date:4/9/2005 | I think I saw that on eBay once...
From: Tails_num.1 fan Date:7/16/2005 | i just bought this on ebay its so cool
From: ryan Date:10/16/2005 | im a huge fan of sobic and tails go on my site www.ryans-cool-carecters.piczo.com
From: Chantal Date:2/25/2007 | I love Tails want such thingi too!
Plushable Tails just got with a new modern look
9/19/2003 - 1096 views
Comments (2)
From: leanne Date:7/11/2004 | i did not know about them how much are they please
From: Hector Date:2/3/2005 | I want to get one of this Plush Tails, where can I?
Both original colored and white Tails and Sonic
9/19/2003 - 2165 views
Comments (11)
From: Ryan Date:10/9/2003 | ALBINO TAILS! ^_^
From: Meiyou Date:12/15/2003 | Heheh, someone actually made what looked ilke an albino Sonic character.. awesome plushes, ja!
From: Crash_Bandicoot Date:3/3/2004 | awwwwwwwww i like the plushs!!!! ^^
From: Ryan Date:8/25/2004 | Me thinks the white plushies are the prototypes.
From: sonic girl Date:12/22/2005 | I have the albino sonic plush.
Oh gosh @@; *squeezes them* They're so good! I envy people who can make good plushies @@;
From: Tori Miles Prower Date:6/5/2006 | Where are the plushie's Sold because it my Birthday tommorrow?
From: Thomas R Date:6/13/2006 | I got one of the original Sonic plushies back in the 90's but missed the opportunity to get a Tails, too. I think the new Sonic X plushies look a bit
From: nette Date:7/19/2006 | where did you ever find these? my son loves sonic and tails but tails most of all and he wants plush ones and i cannot find any?
From: adeeb Date:8/3/2006 | THIS... IS... THE... COOLEST... THING ... I... EVER... SEEN... ON... THE... INTERNET!
From: starr Date:6/2/2008 | now THESE plushies really luk lyke dem......I HAV 2 GET THESE!!!!
Tails is pointing his right finger up into air obviously seeing trouble
9/19/2003 - 2541 views
Comments (2)
From: miles Date:3/14/2006 | ^o^
From: Krystal Prower Date:11/18/2006 | dont you know that its his right claw, not finger... by the way nice pic.
Tails is running in Sonic's animated adventure series
9/19/2003 - 1684 views
Comments (3)
From: SonicHOG Date:1/30/2005 | That's actually from the Japanese Sonic 2 comerical
From: miles Date:3/14/2006 | tru
From: rahdian Date:7/1/2007 | sonicHOG
Tails is demonstrated here in his takeoff method
9/19/2003 - 1728 views
Comment (1)
From: Hypo Prower Date:4/9/2005 | Freaky...
The perfect Christmas gift
9/19/2003 - 915 views
Comments (3)
From: tails biggset number one fan Date:10/24/2004 | i wish i had them where i live in england there is noting to do with him but thr games WAWAWAWAWAWAWAWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
From: Simon (Tails's #1 fan)! Date:3/12/2005 | soooooo coool
From: Cosmo Date:10/21/2006 | Yeah!i love it!!!!
Both sonic and tails in an abstract image
9/19/2003 - 1189 views
Comments (2)
From: Rafiat Date:10/2/2004 | i like the web site it looks so nice. i would like to download thing like ths to my desktop if you can help me. thanks........
From: Wizzles Date:9/17/2005 | I remember theese....Tasted like...(Pause)...Well not nice...to put it one way. Cool can's though...I was a littlin` when theese came out.
Tails is flying on his own while Sonic takes the airplane controls (from Sonic 3)
9/19/2003 - 2317 views
Comment (1)
From: Stephan8867 Date:1/6/2004 | I like pictures like those! I think this would be great for a desktop picture,don't you think?
Tails is patiently waiting
9/19/2003 - 1009 views
Comments (2)
From: 1 of many Tails fans Date:2/18/2006 | "Watcha waitin for dude?
From: miles Date:3/14/2006 | nice
Tails is turning around after sensing something wrong behind him
9/19/2003 - 1060 views
Comment (1)
From: James McGee Date:12/22/2008 | When I saw this it made me think: Tails: I have two tails !?
Tails is laying on his own car
9/19/2003 - 1004 views
Comment (1)
From: Prower hour Date:5/21/2008 | *whistles* sweet ride!
Tails is moving his tails and blinking
9/19/2003 - 1927 views
Comments (2)
From: tails17 Date:2/24/2006 | i love that picture!its off of a game i have.
Tails in a christmas boot ready to for Christmas
9/19/2003 - 868 views
Comments (3)
From: Cosmo Date:10/21/2006 | Awww!
Hes sooooo sweet
From: Totally Tails Fan*** Date:6/21/2008 | I won`t have a merry christmas til I have one!!!! :(
wow so cute! can i please buy it?
Tails in his comic bursts his bubble gum bubble all over himself
9/19/2003 - 2451 views
Comments (2)
From: Simon (Tails's #1 fan)! Date:3/12/2005 | That happened to me once...
From: tails Date:10/1/2006 | tails is funny and aborable I love him.
Sega Sonic pop cans
9/19/2003 - 1364 views
Comments (5)
From: Duchis Date:10/12/2004 | I want a soda can. :'(
From: Joe Date:11/18/2004 | man that brings back memorys i remember I drank the first time and it tasted like mango and dare i say it a hint of crap?
From: Jacob Date:3/22/2005 | Notice how it says SegaSonic remind you of some thing? Like *giggles* the old sega arcade game
From: miles Date:3/14/2006 | i want 1 :(
From: tails45 Date:12/30/2006 | awww hes about to fall ill save you! you are so cute
Tails is standing in front of his car, ready to go
9/19/2003 - 1141 views
Comments (2)
From: red fox Date:12/26/2005 | tails and a caterham 7.two of my favourite things in one place.drool...........
From: 1 of many Tails fans Date:2/18/2006 | Think he'd beat me in a race?
Tails is the champion once again
9/19/2003 - 1310 views
Comments (9)
From: Triforce Date:4/29/2004 | ha ha sonic! beat that!
From: Miles Prower Date:8/6/2004 | Picture takken from a Pico game.
Sonic's GameWorld
From: Hypo Prower Date:4/9/2005 | Sonic looks like a crap head now.
From: Flame Date:7/13/2005 | thats metalsonic
From: sabrina Date:8/27/2005 | OHH why must the good die young
From: Wizzles Date:9/17/2005 | He He, Eggman lost again :oP
From: Triforce Date:9/19/2005 | I KNOW it's metal sonic. Sonic still looks like a idiot though. Oh yeah, he always has.
From: Caleb Shipman Date:2/24/2006 | actually thats from Sonic Drift 2 for Game Gear
From: miles tails man Date:8/1/2008 | tails is the winner!! HOORAY!!!!!!!
why is eggman's head on fire?!
is it because he's pissed of that the flying furball won?
Tails is chilling out with his tails winded up
9/19/2003 - 2491 views
Comments (10)
From: Ryan Date:10/9/2003 | OMG, that reminds me of that female Tails hentai... ::evil laugh::
that is a briliant picture of tails.
PS: what hentai? i just wanna know...
From: Tails Date:3/10/2004 | you DONT wanna know......
Yeah. Just google it... bwahahaha.
From: Fox-Master Date:4/29/2005 | Hentai... I think, that was... Some kind of hard pictures, most people regret to have seen, right? But I found some pics of a female tails in the net
From: Aqua Date:6/21/2005 | Duawww! He's so cute! *huggles*
From: miles Date:3/14/2006 | evil ryan verry evil (lol) nice pic
From: Amber Date:7/27/2006 | the picture was awsome:D
I wish I could draw like you:). I can draw him but not that gud:D
From: Whitefoot Date:8/16/2006 | Nice
Tails and Sonic are using a computer running Microsoft® Windows
9/19/2003 - 1163 views
Comments (3)
From: Tails fan1# Date:12/16/2005 | Thats sooooo cute!I wish I had it for my tails shrine......
From: tails Date:2/24/2006 | that is soooooooo cute!
From: tails17 Date:3/18/2006 | this is soooo cute!i wish i could print it!!!!!
Transparent orange Tails portable game
9/19/2003 - 1136 views
Comments (0)
Tails own glass for refreshment (From SA launch)
9/19/2003 - 1060 views
Comments (2)
From: Sonic Date:10/13/2004 | Let me have one!!! ):<
From: miles Date:3/14/2006 | refreshing!
Tails has beat evil once again!
9/19/2003 - 999 views
Comment (1)
his tails are so big
SegaSonic baseball caps
9/19/2003 - 1063 views
Comment (1)
From: Matthew Date:1/18/2007 | I LOVE TAILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish I had that hat. I would wear it 24 7
Everyone emotion Tails has ever felt
9/19/2003 - 1427 views
Comments (2)
From: charlie Date:2/28/2004 | this is awesome as! tails is such a well rounded character and the best superhero ever, plus, awesome, awesome site bro!
From: miles Date:3/14/2006 | i reallly need 2 learn how 2 draw tails
Tails is holding his golden Tails coin
9/19/2003 - 1028 views
Comments (6)
From: badboy Date:5/8/2004 | wow where did you get that from
From: Mandy Date:9/1/2004 | I have been looking everywhere for one of these... please let me know if you know where I cold find one.. Thank you :)
where did u get a tails figure?
i want that who ever u are!!!!!>:o
you get it from atamaii.com or superherotoys.com
Tails is in his Tails GameGear game
9/19/2003 - 1110 views
Comments (2)
From: Miles Prower Date:8/6/2004 | That's a Pico game.
Tails and the Music Makers.
From: Caleb Shipman Date:2/24/2006 | I have that game
Tails in Sonic Adventure
9/19/2003 - 1146 views
Comments (0)
Tails ready to fight evil in space
9/19/2003 - 1177 views
Comments (2)
From: Tommi Date:10/27/2004 | I can never get to that part.
From: matt Date:9/18/2008 | tails looks so cute in his spacesuit!
Tails' small yellow key chain (SegaSonic)
9/19/2003 - 1092 views
Comments (2)
From: what-the? Date:2/27/2006 | IT LOOKS LIKE A BANANA!!!
From: Cosmo Date:10/21/2006 | sweet!
Tails' official lightswitch cover
9/19/2003 - 979 views
Comments (2)
From: miles Date:3/14/2006 | mi want 1!
From: David Date:2/8/2009 | Actually, this is a clock. I tried to win one of these on eBay several months back but lost because I had to work when the auction ended :'(
It ended up selling for $126
Tails lined up to be put into processing
9/19/2003 - 1719 views
Comments (3)
From: Ryan Date:10/9/2003 | I'm working on a Tails picture at the moment so these'll come in handy. Arigatou J-sama!
From: Tailsfan101 Date:5/17/2005 | hehheh this looks like a prison ID photo.
(did'nt think it would happen so soon.)
From: Wizzles Date:9/17/2005 | "You're Nicked" - You have the right to remain silent, anything you say will be used against you. We are charging you with Theft; you will be detained
Baby Tails is not getting his way
9/19/2003 - 2560 views
Comments (9)
From: Ryan Date:10/9/2003 | I'm retiming and redoing my Tails DWI + BMS files. If you would like to host it (banner, BG, mp3, dwi/bms), just IM me or something.
From: paola Date:2/6/2004 | me gusta sus imagenes
From: Tails867 Date:7/23/2004 | AWWWWWWWW! THE CUTENESS!
From: Hypo Prower Date:4/9/2005 | What the crap iz he doing?
From: tails12 Date:5/16/2005 | that is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*takes tails and hugs him to death*
From: princess sallu Date:6/2/2005 | awww i just wanna
hug him with me 2 bed every day!!
From: gary Date:12/22/2005 | i wish he was my cute pet
From: tails17 Date:3/2/2006 | thats SOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!I wish i was allowed to print it!
Tails is on his cellular phone
9/19/2003 - 1030 views
Comment (1)
From: 1 of manyTails fans Date:2/18/2006 | I just hope he's not roaming. lol
A happy tails is pointing up a something
9/19/2003 - 1777 views
Comments (0)
Tails is very sad
9/19/2003 - 1560 views
Comment (1)
From: martha Date:1/19/2007 | Poor Tails!!! I will make you happy again!!!
Tails' wallpaper slogan from Sonic Adventure GD-ROM
9/19/2003 - 1561 views
Comments (4)
From: miles Date:3/14/2006 | sweet
From: Hannah Date:5/17/2006 | Dude that's my screensaver!
From: Tails_Girl Date:1/9/2007 | This is the most awsome slogan EVER!!
I even have it for a BACKGROUND!!!
From: d7jdrj7tedrgnhdrth Date:1/19/2007 | If you click on the Tails's slogan thing,it will enlarg and you can see part of his theme song
Tails is standing around
9/19/2003 - 1068 views
Comments (0)
Tails is standing on a tree stump with a city behind him
9/19/2003 - 1918 views
Comments (8)
From: bob Date:11/29/2003 | this is probably the best pose i've seen tails in on this site.
From: mackenzie Date:1/9/2004 | i love tails and this is the best pic i have ever seen of him.....thanks
From: Jackie Date:4/27/2004 | Aww kewl, its so cute!! XD *clinghugglepic* Tails is soo sweeet =3
From: Jamie Andrews Date:5/4/2004 | That is the most best ever drawing of Tails i've ever seen good on ya mate
From: Roshine Date:7/3/2005 | That is so cute!!! ^o^
From: miles Date:3/14/2006 | kawaii!!
From: Mary Date:6/23/2006 | My Tails. You are so cute. I love you...;-)
From: ringo Date:2/22/2007 | AAW! Kawaii! Its sooo cuuuute! ><
Plushable tails with his very own basket
9/19/2003 - 1028 views
Comments (0)
Tails is next to some sort of vehicule
9/19/2003 - 882 views
Comments (3)
From: Terrana Date:12/29/2003 | I think that's the Sea Fox, from Tails' Adventures.
From: Hypo Prower Date:4/9/2005 | THAT'S the Sea Fox? HOLY CRAP!!!
From: Adam Constantino Date:4/2/2009 | Oh, I get it. It's from Sonic Triple Trouble and Tails Adventures.
Tails is flying through a blue sky
9/19/2003 - 1080 views
Comments (3)
From: Mezerian Date:11/29/2003 | does anyone know any
how-to-draw tails things on the internet apart from the one on www.netraptor.org?
From: mezerian Date:3/31/2005 | i'm back. still havn't found anything...
From: miles Date:3/29/2006 | yes i do it might be hard 4 u maey but heres 1 http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/30457256/
Sonic, Tails and Knuckles from Sonic3
9/19/2003 - 2482 views
Comments (4)
From: Hypo Prower Date:4/9/2005 | This shot is ledgendary-the three heroes, Sonic, Tails and Knuckles!
From: Furious T Date:9/2/2005 | tails is almost blocked out by sonic! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
From: Brian Date:4/24/2006 | yours website is very good made with nice color layout
Tails you noob
A tails figurine for every keychain
9/19/2003 - 1082 views
Comment (1)
From: Prower hour Date:5/21/2008 | this certainly would go with the keys...
Tails is all tied up
9/19/2003 - 2177 views
Comments (31)
aww poor tails. this makes me sad
From: Jamie Andes Date:4/25/2004 | I'm a Tails loving fan and i think that is a Tails i've never seen before.POOR POOR TAILS
Another reminder of that scary female Tails hentai...
From: Tails Date:6/27/2004 | How is that hentai!?
From: Shadow Date:8/29/2004 | he is soo cute ill
save him
From: Jacob Date:11/24/2004 | Aww poor tails. I never seen such a thing with my 2 eyes.
From: Jacob Date:3/22/2005 | Ok I found out where this pic came from! In a pages in the japan manuell for the game gear sonic2 he would be sitting next to a note (the stuff that
From: Jacob Date:3/22/2005 | soory the last part was to big look at http://sost.emulationzone.org/sonic_2gg/scans/sonic2.gif
From: someonekirby Date:6/9/2005 | I hated that game. Sorry, Tails, you're toast. I'm going to save Knuckles instead. Mwahahaha
From: tails Hater Date:7/1/2005 | this is sooooo cool!!!!!!!!!!
From: david Date:9/17/2005 | I'm a huge tails fan,so screw you tails hater!!!
From: Bluemeanie Date:9/17/2005 | He He tied up!! Toasted!, Misure Robotnik will be pleased! Sorry Tails...Kidda :oP
From: Robotnik, Ivo Date:9/17/2005 | YESSSS! My Plan has...err..Worked for once. I am the Daddy.....Of evil anyway. Snivley....Get da BBQ Fired up....Yummy
From: tails fan Date:11/2/2005 | do not worry, Tails I'll save you and I'll get eggman and the robots with my lightsaber and untie you!
From: thomas Date:11/5/2005 | Do not worry Tails I will save you I will defeat Eggman and his robots and untie you!
From: 1 of many Tails fans Date:2/18/2006 | ive seen some stuff like that... but this goes too far for me. Anti-Tails ppl watch out.
From: SEGA INC. Date:2/27/2006 | this picture on this website on behalf of all the "tails" lovers is insulting to me "ps i draw tails for sega really" evryone on this site.
From: miles Date:3/14/2006 | O.O
From: Anonimo Date:4/7/2006 | What?It's terrible!?!
From: Roshine Date:5/18/2006 | I save you Tails!
... err, what is a Tails hater doing on this site? Weird.
From: Shadow Date:7/19/2006 | Hmhmhm!
lets hope they burn him alive
From: Millimeters"Terra"PowerHour Date:4/3/2007 | TAILS!!!!!I LOVE YOU!!!!!I'M COMING TO RESCUE YOU!!!!!!!!!!
Taaaaaaaaails is so freakin cute by the way I love Tails so much.
i wish ther was such thing as tails,i wanna save him
From: Prower hour Date:3/24/2008 | What?! if this was sonic i swear...
From: Tails #1 fan Date:5/24/2008 | Aww!! Poor Tails!! I'll save you!!
From: miles tails power Date:7/8/2008 | don't worry tails i'll save you . I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'll kill eggman an his robots
From: Turbo Tails 8027 Date:11/9/2008 | I was rubbish at that game. Sorry Tails, I can't help this time. I'll make sure to save you first next time.